Tuesday, December 6, 2016

The Dangers of Ice Skating and Ways to Avoid a Walk In Clinic Visit

The Ice Palace is a great place to hone and showcase your ice skating skills. You can practice different techniques and reap the benefits this sport provides. Ice skating improves balance, joint flexibility and leg strength, and enhances the health of your heart.

While it’s good for your body, it’s also a risky sport. There are many injuries that one can sustain, and the severity of them can send you to a South Hill Spokane urgent care clinic. Knowing the injuries and how to avoid them can help you skate safer and be more prepared.

Wrist Injury

Skaters often sustain a wrist injury when they try to break the impact of a fall. The crash can cause a fracture or a mild sprain. When you have a wrist injury, it means that your forearms radius, ulna bones, and your scaphoid (the small bone near the thumb bone) are damaged. Read more from this blog: